G Grade Architects and Builders

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Sede em Algarve, Loulé
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18anos de experiência

G Grade Architects and Builders

I¨m an Architectural Tech. and Construction manager with a vast experience and references for previous done in London.

After many years of hard work in UK as a manager for principal contractors doing large scale and residential project, I decided with my wife to came and live in the Algarve, where my family coming from.

I want to share my experience and expertise in design and construction with private clients, focused in the British comunnity, and make real their dreams to get a home in the Algarve.

Why ,my services are the right one for you ?

* My references in UK can demostrate not only the quality of my job ,also my interpersonal skills, which are important to understand the client needs and requirement for any building project

* My qualification in UK universities as an Architectural Technician and project manager, which make the processes in construction accurate in price ,time and quality

* A superb time mangement learn form the British who can give you the peace of mind that your project hasn´t got any surprise

* An understanding of the British people taste in design of their houses

* the great ability to deal with Building control, suppliers and subcontractors in Portugal, escencial to get the projects done accordingly with the programs and schedule

For the reason exposed above and for the love to my work , I would like to invited you to know more about me.

Do not hesitate to contact me and get the first approach personally , I can advice you in the best option availables to build with us.

Gustavo Grade
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Perguntas e respostas

Em que informações deve um ou uma cliente pensar acerca do projecto que quer realizar antes de falar com profissionais?
I think is important , the client to get an idea about the cost, design and time for the job to be done. If not he need to ask instead of supposed anything
Que formação e experiência tem relacionadas com a sua actividade?
courses in management in construction
Diploma in construction
Foundation degree in science of construction
Bsc in Architectural Technology
All my studies from Westminster University
Que conselhos daria a alguém que quer contratar profissionais do seu sector? Há algo fundamental a ter em conta?
the most important thing for my , is the client need to be confident about the investment to be done for their project. In order to do this, I recommend the client to get different option in design, to get at least 3 quotes from contractor, to be aware about the legislation and responsabilities, to ask for references.
All this thing before sign a contract with the professional
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