Helder white
Helder white
Photography, Music Production, Architecture.
After 15 years dedicated to Architecture, designing railway stations and public spaces as a full time job, I struggled to satisfy my hunger to create. I found some time to be contemplative through photography and simultaneously I was producing music, Djing and making records. A certain feeling of unsatisfaction always keeps me moving to create more and better, to discover new perspectives, new people, new ideas, beautiful colours and that moment of light. I was born in 1973, surfing was different from today on my teenage early years, we paddled out in to the unknown, we were discovering and trying to understand. But our senses were living and absorbing all of it. Its almost 30 years of living and breathing surf that moved me so much in to photography today, to frame every sign of those floating memories, waves, mornings, sunsets, winds, friends, sand.
After 15 years dedicated to Architecture, designing railway stations and public spaces as a full time job, I struggled to satisfy my hunger to create. I found some time to be contemplative through photography and simultaneously I was producing music, Djing and making records. A certain feeling of unsatisfaction always keeps me moving to create more and better, to discover new perspectives, new people, new ideas, beautiful colours and that moment of light. I was born in 1973, surfing was different from today on my teenage early years, we paddled out in to the unknown, we were discovering and trying to understand. But our senses were living and absorbing all of it. Its almost 30 years of living and breathing surf that moved me so much in to photography today, to frame every sign of those floating memories, waves, mornings, sunsets, winds, friends, sand.
Ver todas as fotografias e vídeos
Perguntas e respostas
Em que informações deve um ou uma cliente pensar acerca do projecto que quer realizar antes de falar com profissionais?
Na minha opinião o cliente deverá verificar a formação e competências do profissional.
Que formação e experiência tem relacionadas com a sua actividade?
A minha Licenciatura em Arquitectura deu-me formação em Artes. Estudei Luz, Cor, Geometria. Elementos fundamentais em fotografia.
Que conselhos daria a alguém que quer contratar profissionais do seu sector? Há algo fundamental a ter em conta?
Procure um profissional, com estudo em Artes, com sensibilidade para compreender e contextualizar a sua ideia, uma pessoa criativa e tecnicamente competente, responsável e sério seja qual for a dimensão do trabalho.