Josh Finegan
preço médio estimado
Josh Finegan
10 years experience in the Australian Construction Industry as a painter, bricklayer, landscape gardener and pest controller aswell as year's work as a water damage and intrusion inspector.
General Handyman duties.
General Handyman duties.
Perguntas e respostas
Em que informações deve um ou uma cliente pensar acerca do projecto que quer realizar antes de falar com profissionais?
Home renovations should take quite some time to really examine what your needs and desires are for your project.
What are your needs? What are your wants?? Can you obtain everything you wish within the budget and spaces of your project?
A good professionals job is to aid you in everything that can be possibly achieved and deliver it to the highest quality standards.
What are your needs? What are your wants?? Can you obtain everything you wish within the budget and spaces of your project?
A good professionals job is to aid you in everything that can be possibly achieved and deliver it to the highest quality standards.
Que formação e experiência tem relacionadas com a sua actividade?
I have had 10 years within the Australian Construction Industry in many varied roles such as bricklayer, home renovations and demolitions, painter, pest controller and water damage and restoration technician.
Que conselhos daria a alguém que quer contratar profissionais do seu sector? Há algo fundamental a ter em conta?
If the price sounds too good to be true.... It usually is!! And it can end up costing you alot more in the long term.
Outros serviços proporcionados por Josh Finegan