Angela Monteiro Artwork
Angela Monteiro Artwork
1984 b. in Porto, Portugal
2010 Integrated Master's degree in Architecture by ESAP
2015 Degree in Conservation and Restoration, UCP - Catholic University of Porto
Personal Statement
The professional and academic path has always been structured and developed in parallel with the Art field, having always a straight connection with it.
The artwork developed since 2011 is based on structuring forms and colors in a way that they form a still image of a "subject" in motion. This "subject" - the main focus of the painting - can be an emotion, a meditative state, a personal situation occurred or simply a thought or an idea that suddenly appears in the canvas and it?s demanding for a physical existence.
I've always been influenced by everything that has irony, beauty and truth. Everything that it's involved in the Art field by definition surrounds me in a natural and personal way, where I often offer my dedication. My life path revealed Architecture, I was wrapped in its beauty and simplicity of design, drawing, conceptual thinking, freedom of thought and inherent poetry in detail, finding beauty in physical construction.
I find the most self-balanced state in my work by drawing, reading, finding images and shapes that divulge me, in small sculptures that embody personal images and transforms the space around it. Abstractionism in all its dimensions absorbs me and gives me the energy and force to carry on my path.
Lives and works in Porto, Portugal.
Exhibitions and Participations
(2017) June, Participation in the International Symposium of Contempory Art, II Edition (SIAC2), Guarda, Portugal
(2016) November, Third place / CarpetVista Competiton
(2016) February, Affordable Art Fair / Brussels, via Galeria Gaudi (Madrid)
(2012) July, Collective exhibition entitle "Subtleties", at the The Brick Lane Gallery (London)
for informations & purchases mail to - angela-monteiro[at]***********
2010 Integrated Master's degree in Architecture by ESAP
2015 Degree in Conservation and Restoration, UCP - Catholic University of Porto
Personal Statement
The professional and academic path has always been structured and developed in parallel with the Art field, having always a straight connection with it.
The artwork developed since 2011 is based on structuring forms and colors in a way that they form a still image of a "subject" in motion. This "subject" - the main focus of the painting - can be an emotion, a meditative state, a personal situation occurred or simply a thought or an idea that suddenly appears in the canvas and it?s demanding for a physical existence.
I've always been influenced by everything that has irony, beauty and truth. Everything that it's involved in the Art field by definition surrounds me in a natural and personal way, where I often offer my dedication. My life path revealed Architecture, I was wrapped in its beauty and simplicity of design, drawing, conceptual thinking, freedom of thought and inherent poetry in detail, finding beauty in physical construction.
I find the most self-balanced state in my work by drawing, reading, finding images and shapes that divulge me, in small sculptures that embody personal images and transforms the space around it. Abstractionism in all its dimensions absorbs me and gives me the energy and force to carry on my path.
Lives and works in Porto, Portugal.
Exhibitions and Participations
(2017) June, Participation in the International Symposium of Contempory Art, II Edition (SIAC2), Guarda, Portugal
(2016) November, Third place / CarpetVista Competiton
(2016) February, Affordable Art Fair / Brussels, via Galeria Gaudi (Madrid)
(2012) July, Collective exhibition entitle "Subtleties", at the The Brick Lane Gallery (London)
for informations & purchases mail to - angela-monteiro[at]***********
Ver todas as fotografias e vídeos
Perguntas e respostas
Em que informações deve um ou uma cliente pensar acerca do projecto que quer realizar antes de falar com profissionais?
Qual a visão do projecto gráfico?
Que valores deverá reflectir?
Qual a identidade que pretende transmitir graficamente?
Que valores deverá reflectir?
Qual a identidade que pretende transmitir graficamente?
Que formação e experiência tem relacionadas com a sua actividade?
Mestrado Integrado em Arquitectura (ESAP - 2010), Licenciatura em Conservação e Restauro (Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Escola das Artes/Porto - 2015).
Que conselhos daria a alguém que quer contratar profissionais do seu sector? Há algo fundamental a ter em conta?
O melhor conselho que posso dar, terá que ver com uma clara definição dos objectivos que se pretendem alcançar. Sem que haja uma clara visão do projecto que se procura materializar, não se consegue encontrar o correcto profissional que consiga interpretar de forma eficaz as ideias do cliente e transpor-las para o plano material.
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